Let's Get Started!

The following questions must be completed 30 days before the show. These are specific to the venue and what is available for the tour on D+S show day.

Once this form has been filled out D+S production will follow up with a date and time to schedule an advance summary call. The tour will coordinate arrival/departure times with the venue production manager and head of security in advance.

Please submit answers to the following questions in a subsequent manner respective to the question number. Fill in your email at the end of this form to receive a copy of your response.

Venue/Local Primary Contacts

General Venue Information

3. Venue WiFi

4. Indoor/Outdoor Performance?

5. Any venue requested events happening before/during/post show that would effect the tour and our day of show schedule? (events, fireworks, emcee’s, announcements etc.)

6. Venue Merchandise Shipping address and who should be listed as the recipient?

7. Does the tour have access to an artist comp VIP suite for the show? If yes what is the suite number/location?

8. What are the limitations on Runner working hours?

9. Is there a washer and dryer available to the tour?

10. Is there a gym workout facility on-site and available for the artist and tours use?

11. Are there practice facilities + wellness amenities available for tour use? (Basketball courts, football fields, sauna, steam room, cold plunge therapy)

12. Are there any recommended running paths from the venue for our artist?

13. Can the venue arrange a tee time at a local golf course? (Private courses are preferred. We are happy to offer tickets in exchange)

14. Does the venue partner with any local coffee shops, eateries, animal rescue facilities or misc. experiences that we could arrange at the venue?

15. Can the venue provide contacts day of show for local wellness IV treatment, Chiropractor, Doctor if needed?

16. Can the venue provide medical onsite for load-in / load-out? Please confirm cost for approval.

17. If the tour wants to utilize a police escort for their post show exit, what is the cost?

18. Can you briefly describe the emergency evacuation plan? (How are patrons notified/Explain the public address system/what are the exit

19. How is the venue monitoring adverse weather and is there a representative from the local office of emergency management onsite?

20. What is the venues protocol for lighting strikes? (When Applicable)

21. Where are first aid stations located at the venue?

22. Please describe the Guest entry protocol and policies in place (Bags/Drinks/Prohibited items)

Box Office Notes

1. Are there Multiple Box Office Locations, or only one?

2. Where will Artist will call be located for guests? (gate, nearest intersection, Landmarks for instructions)

3. What time does the box office open on show days?

Dressing Room Accommodations

1. How many dressing rooms have dedicated Bathroom+Shower?

2. What dressing rooms are typically used as the rooms for Headliner/Support? (Star Rooms)

3. What dressing room is typically used as tour production?

4. What dressing room is typically used as a tour promoter office?

5. What dressing room is typically used as a lady’s room?

6. What dressing rooms are typically used as Crew Rooms?

7. What room is typically used as an SFX room? (No Carpet)

8. What room is typically used as the dining area for touring crew?

9. Are dressing rooms furnished? If yes, with what on a standard show day?

10. If dressing rooms are not furnished, are rentals available? What is the deadline to request furniture and the costs associated?

11. What are the costs associated for shower/stage towels?

12. Are there any dressing room notes the tour should be aware of?


1. Is ice available onsite?

2. Can you provide information for a local food truck/restaurant that the venue has worked with for post show?

3. Where can a food truck stage during load out for post show food? Please designate an area that is accessible to the touring party and in the
secured backstage compound.

4. Confirm that local catering will provide pricing and menus for approval at minimum 1 week before performance.

Venue Media + Partner Requests

1. Is the venue or promoter requesting a meet and greet? (Nothing is guaranteed without tour approval in advance of show day)

2. Is venue or promoter requesting autographed items?

3. House photographer/venue requesting to take photos of the performance?

4. Are there any radio stations affiliated with the show onsite?

5. Are there any interviews that have been requested through the venue/affiliated partners?

Day Of Show Scheduling Notes

3. What time can the tour access venue amenities? (Dressing rooms + bathroom facilities)

4. What are the advertised door times?

5. Venue Curfew


1. What is the address for the loading dock entry/exit?

2. How many loading docks are available to the tour?

3. Is shore power available for trucks in the dock? How many?

4. Can Trucks run generators in the dock?

5. Will venue provide a tour specific parking map for trucks? (Vehicle counts to be confirmed in advance packet)

6. Where is the merch truck typically parked?

7. Please describe the push from dock to stage?


1. Can the venue provide a tour specific parking map for buses? (vehicle counts to be confirmed in advance packet)

2. Is shore power available for buses? How many?

3. Can buses run generators?

4. Is there water hookup available for buses? Where?

5. Where do star coaches typically park? (We have two)

Personal Vehicles

1. Can the venue provide parking for up to 10 guests?

2. Can the venue provide parking instructions for guests?

3. Where do runner vehicles typically park?

General Production Questions

1. What is the snake paths from stage to FOH?

2. Can the venue provide cable ramps for the exposed portions of the snake run to FOH? (When applicable)

3. Is there a dB limit at FOH?

4. What permitting is required for any use of SFX/Gasses/ Pyro the tour should be aware of?

5. Is the venue staffed/equipped to open doors to the concourse only, if required?

6. Can you outline your extreme weather protocol?

7. Is there an upstage black available to the tour? Cost?

8. Can the upstage black be hung in place on tour arrival?

9. Is Pipe and Drape available to the tour? Cost?

Crowd Control

1. Can the venue provide 60’ of Mojo style barricade?

2. Can the venue provide 100’ of bike rack?

Local Labor

1. Who is the local labor provider? Union or Non-union?

2. Event Crew Steward Name?

3. What is the hourly minimum?

4. Are there department heads above the call? Working?

5. Are there any extra fees in which the tour would incur extra expenses related to local labor? (Travel,PD,Extra Pay)

6. What are the catering/coffee break requirements for Local Crew?

Show Power

1. List the show power available to the tour Stage Left?

2. List the show power available to the tour Stage Right?

3. List any other power available to the tour for show power?

4. In the event of a power outage does the venue have a backup generator? How long will it power venue?


1. What is the distance from the floor to the low steel?

2. What is the distance from the floor to the high steel?

3. What size are the beam bays?

4. Does the venue have a rigging grid for end stage placement? (When applicable)

5. What is the distance from the floor to the scoreboard? (When applicable)

6. Does the scoreboard retract? (When applicable)

7. Are there any rigging obstructions to be aware of?


1. How many spotlights are available to the tour?

2. What type of spotlights are they?

3. What are the locations of the spotlights?

4. Can spotlights move locations?

5. Does the house have comms in place for spotlights?

Staging (Arena)

1. Can house provide a 60ft wide 40ft deep 5ft Tall Stage?

2. Can the stage roll?

3. Can the venue provide a 24ft wide 8ft deep 2ft tall lighting riser at FOH?

4. Can the venue provide two risers for camera platforms 4ft wide 8ft deep 5ft tall at FOH?

5. How many sets of steps can be provided to the tour?

Staging (Amphitheater/Festival)

1. What are the dimensions of the performance area onstage?

2. What are the dimensions of the wings/tech areas?

3. Are the wings/tech areas covered and weatherproofed?

4. What are the sizes and locations of the stage doors for load in/out?

5. What are the sizes and locations of the stage doors for artist access to the performance area?

6. What are the dimensions and location of the proscenium?

7. Please describe the down stage edge/apron/thrust?

8. What is the height of the pit to the stage at center stage?

9. What are the dimensions of the pit?

10. Can a forklift access the pit?

11. What are the dimensions of FOH?

12. What is the cable path for FOH to Stage? Distance?

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